Fostering student well-being in the sciences.

The majority of doctors, veterinarians, and health practitioners globally majored in biology. However, current biology curricula are rarely optimized for building creative, compassionate health professionals. Here, we use rigorous research to improve undergraduate experiences in biology, in order to build a better generation of health practitioners.


Who is CORPUS Education?

The CORPUS Education Lab stands for “Collaborative Opportunities for Research in Physiology and Under/Graduate Science.” In our lab, we study the impacts of academic conditions on student mental health, train instructors to become aware of that impact, and design courses that center and promote wellbeing as an integral part of learning.


We investigate inclusive practices in higher education that foster belonging.

The CORPUS Education Lab engages in collaborative research to iteratively transform how and what we teach–in science courses more broadly and in biology/physiology more specifically. Our scholarship aims to be Transdisciplinary, Embodied, Empathic, and Expansive.


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Why this work matters

We aim to achieve a rhythm of iterative social change that is responsive to the ever-evolving educational, personal, and professional needs of students and future generations of scientists.


Through opportunities for scholarly collaborations, invited talks, and custom workshops, the CORPUS Education team is shaping how scientists teach, do research, and conduct service to promote a more equitable society.